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Included on NPR's list of

"Best Commencement Speeches, Ever." 

One of Albert Einstein Foundation's

"100 Visions of the Future"

One of Newsweek's

"Women Shaping the 21st Century"

"Tiffany's TEDWomen talk ended with the audience jumping to their feet, applauding and lining up to meet her."

- Betsy Scolnik, TEDWomen

"A veteran commentator on the modern human condition."

- Ms Magazine

“With humor, and with a creativity all her own, Tiffany illuminates the issues that affect us all ...

in a way that is both freeing and inspiring.”

– Al Gore

"The most engaging Zoom talk experience I have been a part of"

- Lauren Schiller, NPR's Inflection Point


Tiffany's inspiring keynotes bring her wit and wisdom, captivating storytelling abilities, extraordinary visuals, and dynamic audience engagement to every talk, whether in person or on zoom. Included on NPR's list of "Best Commencement Speeches Ever," Tiffany Shlain is an artist, Emmy-nominated filmmaker, founder of the Webby Awards, and national bestselling author.


Tiffany's awards and distinction include selection by the Albert Einstein Foundation's as one of the 100 visionaries who carry on his legacy, and being listed as one of Newsweek's "Women Shaping the 21st Century." She appears regularly in the New York Times and Washington Post, and her work has been referenced on Jeopardy and in the New York Times crossword puzzle. Her films and talks have been viewed over 50 million times.

To inquire about booking at talk, write to


  • 24/6: The Power of Unplugging One Day a Week
    Tiffany Shlain will explore in her inspiring talk how turning off screens one day a week can work wonders on your brain, body, and soul.  By doing this practice for over fifteen years, Internet pioneer and renowned filmmaker Tiffany Shlain and her family have gained more time, productivity, connection, and presence. Drawn from the ancient ritual of Shabbat, living 24/6 can work for anyone from any background. With humor and wisdom, Shlain shares her story, offers lessons she has learned, and provides a blueprint for how to do it yourself.
  • The Teen Brain
    Tiffany has a new film coming out, The Teen Brain (executive produced by Goldie Hawn), on the latest neuroscience on the adolescent years. In this new talk, Shlain brings these ideas to life by exploring what's happening in the teenage brain, illuminating that teenagers are emotionally brilliant, super-learners with brains that are undergoing rapid and significant remodeling and development. Based on the latest research on adolescence, and showcasing both teens and doctors and psychologists, the talk offers tools for teens and the adults in their lives who support them to help them stay balanced and navigate the powerful adolescent years. 
  • Making Things Happen: Turning an Idea into a Reality
    From creating the Webby Awards, to making award-winning films and books, to her art exhibitions and activations at MoMA and Madison Square Park in NYC, Tiffany illuminates her process for taking an idea into action. In this riveting and highly visual talk, Tiffany shares creating space to have new ideas, developing projects with advisory boards, fundraising and marketing projects to produce powerful ideas in the form of books, films and events into the world.
  • Art Talks on the Creative Process
    Tiffany walks us through art from her recent art exhibits that explore ideas in trees, time and technology.  In her time-based media, light boxes and sculptures, she explores how this scale realignment can change our perspective, offer context, reveal absurdities, and evoke humility, insights, and awe.

  • Art & AI
    Actively experimenting with ChatGPT for her films and artwork, Tiffany shares what she has learned as she investigates the ways we can think about AI as an exciting new tool that sharpens our ability to ask and refine questions, and to discern what's real and what isn't. Finding humanity at a similar moment to when she founded the Webby Awards in the early days of the web, in this talk she explores the good, the bad, and the potential of this huge technological advancement.

  • Getting to a Gender Balanced World That's Better For Everyone

Tiffany gives a rousing reframing of women and power, highlighting the importance of shifting from a perspective of scarcity to one of abundance, and exploring ways to create a gender equitable world -- one that works better for everyone: all races, all classes, all ages. She brings her film 50/50: The 10,000 Year History of Women + Power to life with this talk. 

  • The Future of Work & Wellbeing: Creating the New Work/ Life Balance in Our New Hybrid World
    A dynamic presentation with interactive components for employees and employers, together. As we reemerge from the pandemic, companies everywhere are asking: How do we work smarter? How do we maximize the benefits of technology (including remote work) while maintaining quality in-person office time? How do we create a work culture where both employers and employees can prosper? This talk offers effective answers for the new workplace. Find out more.

  • American Jewish Identity in the 21st Century
    Known for updating Jewish ideas in creative and innovative ways, Tiffany will share through her projects (Sundance Film Festival hit film The Tribe, to Making of a Mensch and her Tech Shabbats) the ways in which Jewish wisdom and practice (including rethinking rituals for the 21st century) have transformed her life

  • The Science of Character: How to Flourish in Today's World
    Building off a decade of making films that explore the science of character and hosting a global day on this topic, this talk explores in a highly entertaining and visual way the neuroscience and social science that shows how we can develop -- in ourselves and in others -- strengths like grit, gratitude, creativity, optimism, resilience, bravery, and self-control. 

To inquire about booking at an in-person keynote or zoom,


Speaking Topics
(scroll down for videos of talks and films on these subjects) 

Where Tiffany Speaks

Tiffany has keynoted at a wide range of gatherings, including Google, Harvard, NASA, being closing speaker at both TEDWomen and TEDMED, The Chicago Ideas Festival, The Aspen Institute, and the UCBerkeley Commencement Speech. She has given over 300 keynotes to rave reviews. She has given keynotes in Brazil, Australia, Mexico, Hungary, Egypt, Israel, South Africa, and the UK. 

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What People Say

Tiffany’s keynote at The Women of Vision gala was the highest rated speakers we have ever had!” 

- Barbara Gee, The Anita Borg Institute

"Tiffany gave a brilliant visionary talk that blew away the audience."
- Elan Divon. Genius 100 Visions Innovation Summit Producer, The Albert Einstein Foundation

“Tiffany always kills it, but this year she blew the audience away by performing her latest film, 30,000 Days, live onstage.”

- Gabrielle Zuckerman, Chicago Ideas Director of Programming 

“A highly energized romp through a myriad of ideas about where the human race is headed.”

– James Greenberg, The Hollywood Reporter

"My congregation could have listened to her authentic stories and insights for hours."

- Rabbi Karen Glazer Perolman, Congregation B'nai Jeshurun 

"It was great to present the premiere of Tiffany Shlain's Dear Human as part of MoMA's Doc Fortnight 2020. It received a standing ovation -the audience loved it!" - Kathy Brew, Curator MoMA NYC

"You not so much as book Tiffany but absorb her; her stimulating message, infectious aura, cinematic style and 10/10 environment. The message was as prescient as it was powerful. My only regret is that we needed a bigger zoom room."
- Professor David Dunkley, Cardiff School of Journalism


Films and Talks by Topic

Shlain's film- which explore all the same ideas as her talks -- become a highly-visual backdrop woven throughout her talks. Below is a sampling of Tiffany's talks, and their related films, by topic.

Private video
The Making of a Mensch
Zoom Challah Bake Trailer
24/6 Paperback Book Trailer
PAUSE: Episode 4 | Breathing in 2021


Email to inquire about booking a keynote


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